The life of the Rewerts family in Willits, California, and all that matters to us.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Is there nothing this man can't do
After being together for 16 years I finally saw Rich fold laundry. This was so amazing I had to take a picture. I knew it wouldn't last long so I ran for the camera. Not only can he build our house he can fold our laundry. I am such a lucky girl. This unfortunately was the first and last time he has done this.
Did I raise a great man or what?? Actually he's been tricking Laura all these years and has had this special skill for some time. Mom
Did I raise a great man or not??? Actually he's been tricking Laura for all these years (he's always had this skill) Love Mom
Yes he has been tricking me. And yes You did raise a great man. Thank you!
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